Saturday 13 June 2009


Lucy, my little 'girlie' dog is at least 10 years old. We 'rescued' her from a rescue centre in Santarem. She has had a hard life but we fell in love with her the first time we met her. During major floods, here in Portugal some time ago she survived by swimming to find food. She is a fighter. Although she is not in perfect health at this time - numerous visits to to Vet each week keeps her here with us. We do not know how much time she has left but one thing is for certain - we will not reject her an will make her last days/weeks/months here with us a very comfortable and loving time. Taking Lucy for a walk is a new experience for me; half the time I have to carry her because of her week heart and two poorly legs. She must have been hit by a car in the past. Lucy likes to eat and knows how to keep Robin in 'check'. As yet I have not got round to painting her. I will soon as my wife keeps reminding me. A painting, you should know, brings out more in a dog's personality than a photo can ever do.

1 comment:

  1. Docile as she is, she could only be mine. Tha's my girl!

    from "mummy"
