Friday, 24 December 2010
Thursday, 23 December 2010
Sunday, 12 December 2010
'Abby - the cat that's just had the cream'

Well; the cat that's just had the cream... or content to watch her master work - a stone mason in the shadowy depths of a temple.
Now I can rest as I just gave this painting to my local vet - the kind and generous doctor who looked after our Lucy so tenderly. My wife insisted I complete the work on Abby and well, I couldn't argue with her so swiftly let my hands follow some unseen force to make Abby 'come to life'. She lives! Now she is content.
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
Some people should not be allowed near animals!
Read this article and understand why:
...Our own little Georgina was 'dumped in a dustbin' and that was where she was discovered before we adopted her!
...Our own little Georgina was 'dumped in a dustbin' and that was where she was discovered before we adopted her!
Sunday, 22 August 2010
Ouch, Ouch, Ouch! I wish I owned a Cat

Why do things happen in 3s?
So much has happened since I last made an entry to my blog... so I apologise now for being so absent minded and distracted.
Where do I start?... Ouch one... I think my last entry was back in March... well, here we go, whilst I still have a will to live.
Firstly, Robin develops a bladder problem... kidney stones and also pees everywhere!... no problem you may think; however, in the dark of one night I slip in one of his many puddles and fall against a kitchen unit top - ouch! Only cracked a rib and spend weeks in a lot of pain!
Ouch two... an old medical problem of mine has shown its head again... not to worry, it just means that I spend hours each day in further pain and hospital visits... problem been ongoing for over 10 years - but what the hell, pain and I are not strangers... we survive - eventually!
Ouch three... my wife has a heart attack and has to undergo a double by-pass operation (one month ago)... she is recovering slowly.
Robin still has his peeing problem (the Vet is treating him).
I still have my old problem... (related to my bowel) don't think the surgeon will ever solve it... but so what - not many people can say they have multiple exits for their bowel!!!
Georgina is still a beatiful 'girlie' dog... apart from peeing on the bed each day... so what has the past 5 months given us? mmmmmmmmmmm... hell; we overcome.
At least we have good weather... although one or the other half has to sleep on the couch as it is too hot in the bedroom over night... me, my wife and two dogs on the bed causes a great deal of extra heat.... wish I owned just a rabbit or even (dare I say) a cat? Excuse any spelling mistakes here... a little too tired to double-check.
p.s. as you can see, Georgina also has her share of problems.. a tongue that is ALWAYS hanging out AND only three teeth!
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Off the Radar
Sorry to all our followers.... I have been off the radar for some time. No real excuse - living life just got in the way. Things have been just mind-blowing-complex, of late. Not to worry, Georgina has integrated herself into our household way. So well in fact that I feel she must be a reincarnation of Lucy! She shows so many of Lucy's traits. You will notice that Georgina shows her tongue a lot... her adult teeth have not developed yet so her tongue keeps falling out! Quite cute really. She does look so silly though. Robin has taught her so many things - even where to sleep at night - on our bed! We are so pleased to have her with us... she is such a loving addition. Everything is still so new to her and she loves the great outdoors. Hope you enjoy the photos, I will post more soon.
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